Dr. S. J. Anwar Zahid
Cell Phone: +8801819190979

Mr. Syed Shafiqul Hoque
Director (Administration)
Cell Phone:

Sheikh Shahidul Islam
Assistant Controller of Exams. and Assistant Registrar
Email: sheikh.cse@gmail.com
Cell Phone:

Mr. Shihab Uddin Ahmed Babu
Officer (Marketing)
Cell Phone:

Md. Kabir Ahmed Siddiqui
Senior Library Executive
Cell Phone:

Mr. Subol Chandra Gosh
Assistant System Analyst
Cell Phone:

Mr. Mohammad Saiful Islam
Office Executive
Cell Phone:

Mr. Md. Shahnewaz Hossain
Junior Accounts Officer
Cell Phone:

Md. Fahad Hossain
Lab Instructor (CSE), Executive (In-Charge) Controller of Examination
Cell Phone: 01731194254

Mr. Arifur Rahman
Program Officer (Faculty and Academic)
Cell Phone:

Mr. Pradip Chandra Karmoker
Lab Instructor (EEE)
Cell Phone:

Mr. Shanjoy Das
Computer Operator
Cell Phone:

Mr. Partha Pratim Das
Lab Attendant
Cell Phone:
Syed Sohel Mia
Junior Executive (Admission)