March 8, 2025

Evaluation & Grading System

  •  The Evaluation of each course at BU is made on 100 marks and the distribution of weightage is given below for all programs:i.Attendance10%ii.Quizzes15%iii.Assignment/Presentation5%iv.Mid-Term Exam. (Middle of the Semester)30%v.Final Exam. (End of the Semester)40%Total:100% For Lab course the distribution of weightage is shown belowi.Attendance10%ii.Assignment20%iii.Class Perfomance20%iv.Presentation10%v.Lab Final Examination (End of the Semester)40%Total:100%  Grading System:The BRITANNIA UNIVERSITY follows the following Letter grades and Grade point system introduced by the UGC as a uniform grading system for public and private universities in Bangladesh. The Grade Point Average (GPA) is computed in the following manner: A student may earn any of the five-letter grades on the basis of his/her performance in each course. The letter grades A, B, C and D are considered passing grades and also acceptable to continuing of grades. Grade F is the failing grade. The numerical equivalents of the grades and grade points are given below:Credits for courses with this grade do not apply towards graduation but used for the calculation of grade point average. ** Credits for courses with these grades do not apply towards graduation and are not used for the calculation of grade point average. ** Credits for courses with this grade required towards graduation but are not used for the calculation of grade point average. ** In the Transcript/Grade Sheet, only the Letter Grade and the Corresponding Grade Points, and finally, the CGPA, not the numerical marks, will be shown. The Grading system is as follows:Numerical GradeLetter GradeGrade Point80% and aboveA+(A Plus)4.0075% to less than 80%A(A regular)3.7570% to less than 75%A-(A Minus)3.5065% to less than 70%B+(B Plus)3.2560% to less than 65%B(B regular)3.0055% to less than 60%B-(B Minus)2.7550% to less than 55%C+(C Plus)2.5045% to less than 50%C(C regular)2.2540% to less than 45%D 2.00Less than 40%F 0.00In the Transcript/Grade Sheet, only the Letter Grade and the Corresponding Grade Points, and finally, the CGPA, not the numerical marks, will be shown.  Computation of Grade Point Average (CGPA):Every course has a certain number of credit hours which indicate its weightage. The credit hours of a theoretical course and the credit hours of a practical/ sessional course refer to contact hours per week and half of the contact hours per week of the courses respectively. The number of credit hours a student has completed satisfactorily and the weighted average of the grade points he/she has maintained evaluate the performance of the student. Calculation of Grade Point Average (GPA) can be explained as follows: Grade Point Average(GPA)=((∑G*C)/∑C)=((Summation(Total)of (Grade Point earned in a Course)*Credit Hours in that course)/Total Number of Credit Hours Completed.) Where,   G=Grade Point C=Credit PointSuppose, a student has completed  five courses in a semester and obtained the following grades:CourseGrade earnedGrade Point (G)Credit hour (C)G x CCourse 1A+4312Course 2B339Course 3A3.75311.25Course 4B+3.2526.50Course 5A-3.5013.50  Total =1242.25CGPA=((∑G*C)/∑C)=42.25/12=3.52That is CGPA =A