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- Britannia University is committed to impart quality education to its students and make them fit for different spheres of life and society. It is with this end in view that the University authority has formulated a CODE OF CONDUCT for its students. The students of Britannia University shall have to abide by the following Code of Conduct of the University to maintain a congenial academic atmosphere.
Every student shall uphold the image of the University through maintaining discipline, following high morale and achieving better performance in studies.Every student shall wear his/her Identity Card issued by the University during his/her stay in the campus.
Every student shall have to be very polite and modest in their manners with their teachers, officers, and members of the staff of the University and pay due respect to them. Students shall abide by the rules of the University and are not allowed to break the general discipline of the University.
Any sort of political activities is strictly prohibited in the campus of the University. Student/students shall not interfere with the free movement of the University student in attending classes or laboratories or field work.
Every student should be dressed in a manner befitting to the academic environment of the campus. Improper and indecent dresses are not allowed in the campus.Students are not allowed to wear/use sunglasses in class rooms and examination halls except for medical reasons.
Students are not allowed to utter any offensive language in the class rooms and campus of the University. Use of slang, shouting and violent exposures are strictly prohibited in the class rooms and in the campus.
Every student should be respectful and cordial to the senior students to keep discipline and maintain a congenial academic atmosphere. Reciprocity is also sought and demanded from the senior students to the junior ones.In no cases student shall get involved in activities which tantamount to Eve-teasing, verbal/mental/physical and sexual harassment and the like. If any student is found to be involved in such sort of activities, the matter will be seriously dealt with and if found guilty immediate disciplinary actions will be taken.
Every student shall take care and protect all types of properties of the University and refrain from damaging any property of the University. Students shall try to be economic in using all types of resources of the University. Students are strictly prohibited from writing on the walls, chair, table, furniture, etc and pressing shoes against the walls of the class rooms in order to keep the campus clean.
Students are not allowed to hang or paste any poster, any leaflet or write any slogan or anything of the sort on the wall of the class room or of the building of the University or anywhere in its premises without prior permission of the authority.
Every student should ensure and take care to put off the lights, air coolers while leaving the class room. They shall take proper care of the multimedia, PC, OHP, etc. and refrain from damaging such teaching aids intentionally. Students are not allowed to use or operate any instruments, apparatus, machine etc, or bring them in the campus without the permission of the authority of the University.
Students are not allowed to take photograph using camera, digital camera, video camera and mobile with camera without the permission of the authority of the University. Students shall not use cell phones in the class rooms and in the examination halls and they should keep their cell phones off or silent mode during the mentioned period.
Students should take part in all the programs organized by the departments and the University. Unofficial programs, meetings, parties or entertainments shall not be held without the permission of the authority of the University. Students shall not invite outsiders inside the campus without the permission of the authority. Student shall not form clubs or societies other than the ones formed by the University authority.
The University campus is a smoking free zone. Smoking is strictly prohibited in the campus. Possession, use, transfer of or trafficking with all kinds of unauthorized drugs is strictly prohibited in the campus. Students are not allowed to enter any room of the building of the University, where entrance is prohibited for the common students except on prior permission of the authorized person. Students should keep peace and harmony among themselves. Students are not allowed to create violence and participate in activities detrimental to peace and harmony in the campus.
The University authority shall have the right to take disciplinary action against any student for any act considered as unethical or illegal in the eyes of law of the country. Britannia University deserves full co-operation of the students to make the slogan – “Britannia University- Hope for the Brighter Future” a success.